Save our greenbelt

Our Green Belt is a precious resource, improving our local environment, sustaining wildlife and acting as a buffer to stop our villages merging into a single connurbation. It should not be built on when there are better alternatives available.

Incredibly, Labour's leaders are proposing replacing our Green Belt with a "Grey Belt" that will make it easier for developers to concrete over our countryside.

Of course we will need new homes for local people and their families, but it's important that those homes are built in the right place - not just where is easiest and cheapest for developers.

Let me know what you think about our local Green Belt by completing the survey below.

Green Belt Survey

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1.1. How important to your quality of life are green spaces?
1.2. Rishi Sunak has scrapped housebuilding targets for areas like Kingswinford & South Staffordshire, while Keir Starmer has vowed to build more homes on the greenbelt. Does this make you more or less likely to vote Conservative?
1.3. The Government has axed the cap on fines for those who pollute our environment. How important is it to you that those who cause pollution are held to account and made to pay?
1.4. Do you agree with providing public funding to make regenerating brownfield sites easier and so help ease the pressure on our green spaces?
1.5. Which THREE of these local issues do you think should be prioritised?

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Save our greenbelt

Our Green Belt is a precious resource, improving our local environment, sustaining wildlife and acting as a buffer to stop our villages merging into a single connurbation.


More Than 10,000 Signatures Submitted Against Green Belt Plans

Mike Wood, Member of Parliament for Dudley South, local councillors and local campaign groups have spent the last 8 weeks rallying support against “damaging” and “irreversible” elements of the Black Country Plan which propose building hundreds of new homes on green fields in the Dudley South constit

Mike asks for debate on protecting our Green Belt

Mike Wood asked the Leader of the House of Commons for a debate on the affects of planning applications for areas that border urban conurbations such as Ridgehill Woods, on the border of Kingswinford and South Staffordshire.

Save Our Green Belt From Housing Developments

Conservative candidate Mike Wood has written to South Staffordshire District Council to urge them to protect Green Belt land around Wordsley, Kingswinford and Wall Heath at Ridgehill Woods and Lawnswood. He was responding to the Council's consultation on its Housing Strategy as part of the South St